Makassar was known with Jumpandang or Ujung Pandang. in since 1999, October 13 renamed back to Makassar which also known as Angin Mamiri (the wind blow smoothly)
Geographicaliy, Makassar City is located in west coastal area of South Sulawesi on 11918'27.97" to 11932'31.03" East Longitude and 530'18" to 514'49" South Latitude. This city lais the 0.25 m from the sea the temperature is between 20 C - 32 C. lt has 32 Km coast line and about 175.77 Km2 in width. It consist of 14 districts with 143 political districts.
Two great rivers frame this city, they are Tallo River empties into North part of city and Jeneberang River empties into South part of city. This city borders on Maros Regency on north and east, Gowa Regency on south and Pangkajene Kepulauan on west and north. in Makassar Strait Waters.
The area topography are generally lowland and seashore. The lowland is dominant area so that in rainy season, the large part of this city will be stagnated of water. Beside mainland, Makassar City also has archipelago which we can see along the coastal area of Makassar. These islands are group of 12 coral islands it is part of group of coral islands or called Pabbiring islands or spermonde islands. These islands are Lanjukang (Farest), Langkai, Lumu-Lumu. Bonetambung, Kodingareng Lompo, Barrang Lompo, Barrang Caddi, Kodingareng Keke, Samalona, Lae-Lae, Small Lae-Lae (Gusung) and Kayangan (Nearest).
Makassar's climate and weather is characterized by an equatorial double rainy season. its variation is caused by the equatorial circulation and the meridional circulation like other areas in the rest of Indonesia. These factor contribute to the intensity of air pressure. it becomes rainy Season from December to March and dry Season from June to September every year. intervening periods are transition months in which the weather will be mixed.
Average temperatures are as classified as follows : Coastal plains : 28°C; inland and mountain areas: 26°C; higher mountain areas : 23°C, varying with the altitude. humidity 89.20% with percentage of maximum illumination is 89.0% in August and minimum illumination is 15% in December.
Based on maritime meteorology station of Paotere, the average of humidity is about 77.90%, rainfall 2729 mm, 144 rain days, temperature is 26.5-29.8. The population of Makassar City in 2005 is 1.173.107 people. It Consists of 578.416 male and 594.691 female and mount of density is 6.525 people/km2. But on the noon, the population can reach 1.6 million people where the large part of them are working in Makassar but live in environs regencies, such as Maros and Gowa. The society of Makassar City also consists of several ethnic groups, they are Makassarese, Mandarese, Torajanese, Buginese, Tionghoa, Melayu and Arabic.
Top or Famous Tourist Destination and Attraction in South Sulawesi (Makassar) Indonesia :
MAKASSAR CITY (waterfront city)
Pier of Losari Beach as The City Land Mark : Location : 0,5 km from the city center (karebosi). Makassar with seashore line 32 Km has many attractions and promote itself as The Waterfront City, we can do some activities on the beach such as enjoying the view scene of Losari beach and the beautiful sunset, or enjoy water sport like jet sky, water bike, and board riding National and International Sport Even has become yearly tourism calender such as : Sandeq Race. Dragon Boat Race. Jolloroq Race. Jet sky, beach volley ball. etc. In the evening, at the beach. you will find friendly milieu from the society. At the south. you can find cuisine court in laguna Metro, with the delicious of Pisang Epe and Grill fish. In the carnival milieu among food court. The society of Makassar meet here.
GMTDC Tanjung Bunga - Self Supporting Zone : 500 m from Pantai Losari. Seashores City in the City. Building architecture has elegance and luxurious design with environment cares. In this area, is building the most ompleted and greatest tourism object in south east Asia ‘DISNEY LAND’ Makassar on the land 12,7 Ha, which is called now Trans Studio Makassar
Akkarena Beach : Located 1,5 km from pier of Losari Beach. is Beach tourism object, completed with renting facilities of Water Ski, Jet Sky, Banana Boat.
Societeit de Harmonie Building : Built by the Dutch colonial government, this historic building is now functioned as place to performe numbers of arts events which is have a local, national or international scale. Location in Makassar Downtown
Orchid Garden : Come and visit the biggest orchid and tropical plants garden in Indonesia and enjoy its beautiful various orchid species planted and develop in this garden which has been registered at Sander's list in London. Location at Jl Mukhtar Lufti No. 15, Makassar Town
The Rotterdam Fort : Built in 1545 by the 9th king of Gowa, recognized as I marigau Daeng Bontu Karaeng Lakiung or Karaeng Turipalangga Ulaweng, this fortress is initially recognized by the name of "Ujung Pandang". This Fortress is one of the omissions of Gowa monarchie glorious ages at the 17th century. Located in Makassar downtown, unidirectional with Losari Beach, and can be accessed by various type of vehicles.
The Mausoleum of Price Diponegoro : Prince Diponegoro is one of the great resistance leader to government of Dutch colonial in Java. The son of Sultan Hamengkubuwono III who was born on 1 November 1785. Lead the war of Java that goes on during 5 year since 1825 until 1830 before finally caught in the year 1845 and detached in Makassar and Manado. Finally on 8 January 1855, he pass away in Makassar. Feel this never give up spirits of the prince in this place. Location : Jl. Diponegoro No 55, Sub District of Malay, District of Wajo
Mandala Monument : Monument is a cenotaph destined to all nations heroes who struggling and died in the liberation of West Papua from the Dutch in 1963. Location : Makassar Downtown in Jl. Jenderal Sudirman.
The Mosque of AL Markaz Al Islami : Built on 8 May 1983 by the General M. Yusuf as the biggest and luxurious Islam development center in South East Asia. This Mosque have 3 floor with outspread building for the width of 10 hectare with floor made of granite. The architectural design of this mosque is a reflection of integrating process between the values of Islam with the modern and traditional culture as the symbol and pride of local identity
The Old Grave of The Kinds of Tallo : Built around XVII century, this funeral complex have a unique building construction and in a flash seen to look like a construction of a candi (traditional temple of Javanese). At the mausoleum stone walls, we can see also found the basrelief of some Al-Qur'an Sentences. In this funeral complex the are 778 king mausoleum of Tallo and Gowa commander from the early until the final of XVII century. Location : 7 km north from Makassar downtown, precisely in Jl. Sultan Abdullah.
Pantere Traditional Port : It is a port of traditional sailings boats of the people of South Sulawesi which come from various Indonesia regions. In this port area, we will be able to meet traditional boats and ships of the South Sulawesi and Also the loading and unloading activities of their crews. Location : 2 km north of Makassar Downtown
Kayangan Island Tourism Resort : beautiful coastal scenery
And many support facilities can be found in Makassar City. Like trade centers and malls, for example Mall Ratu Indah.
Bantimurung Waterfall : Together with the bracing air wrap will make you feel relax and balmy.
Leang-Leang Pre Historycal Park : Mesolitikum paintings in the form of hand chops, pig and dancer figure.
Karaenta Natural Preserve : An ideal habitat for Macaca maura and Jagawana monkey.
Mimpi Cave : Beautiful stalagtits and stalagnits
- Bissu Community : a specific group acting as priests among the Bugis, imagined to be hermaphroditic.
- Tana Rajae Tourism Village : enjoy a number of customs rituals and traditional dances.
- Sumpang Bita Pre Historical Park : authentic evidence of human life at 8.000-3.000 BC.
- Kapoposan Maritime Tourism Resort : bunch of under water rocks which not yet touched by human being.
- Datugeng Island : white sand beach encircling this island with 9 ha width.
- Mallusetasi Tourism Area : enjoy the marvelous island with hundreds of flamingo birds.
- Jompie Tourism City Forest : a tropical forest.
- Lampue and Tongrangeng Beach : two different tropical coastal panorama.
- Sumur Jodoh : a myth of its waters trusted to search for couple.
- Datae Tourism Area : natural bath with tree swimming pools.
- Paduppa Traditional Dance : together with traditional music Pakkacaping in Padendang and Mattojang.
- Nene Mallomo Craft Workshop : center of silk cloths
- Sidenreng Lake : lake scenery with lines of local fisherman and traditional floating houses.
- Lemo Susu Natural Bath : natural hot water bath.
- Sulili Natural Bath : has two wellspring source residing in this bath area.
- Kali Jodoh Waterfall : a very exotic natural view.
- Lejja Natural Bath : covered by grove, support by tourist facilities.
- Yuliana Villa : the eyewitness of a true love manifestation between European and Bugis queen.
- Coddo Citta Cave : archaeological research site.
- Ompo Natural Swimming Pool : Let the ruthless and hygiene of its water cares your body and feel.
- Fisherman Floating Village : natural panorama of Tempe Lake and various of birds.
- Silk Agro Tourism Objects : walking along the murbei trees, witnessing the processing of silk fiber become silk yarn directly or perceive the weaving process.
- Museum Saoraja Lapawowoi : a number of omission collections of Bone empire.
- Bola Soba : a residence of Petta Punggawa (the empire war-soldiers leader), Bugis architecture.
- Gua Mampu Tourism Area : the biggest cave in South Sulawesi.
- The Panorama of Bambapuang Mountain : this are is competent to make sojour place before you entering Tana Toraja
- Sa'dang River : biggest river in South Sulawesi will present an exclaim experience for your vacation.
- Tongkonan Cave : ancient grave area, feel the magical aura which encircle this cemetery area.
- Lemo : Lemo stone grave will present a perfect colaboration between art, death and costume rituals.
- Pallawa : beautiful countrysides of Tana Toraja (Tongkonan) panorama and the luxury tongkonan Pallawa.
- Londa : alternatif tourism area with the uniqueness of stone grave is at their dead case.
- Kete Kesu : center of a very wide paddy crops.
- Batutumonga : enjoy the landscape panorama of Rantepao
- Sangalla : kept a number of omissions in the form of family weapons and housewares of Puang Sangalla.
- Old Mosque Jami : founded by a Islam spreader figure in Luwu empire of Luwu, Datuk Sulaiman.
- Batara Guru Museum : find a description and collections of Luwu empire South Sulawesi.
- Batu Gojeng PreHistorical Park : marvelous artefacts from prehistoric period.
- Takabonerate National Sea Park : explore the biggest population of atoll compose in Indonesia. with over 220.000 ha width.
- Bone Tappalang Beach : a coast white sand which encircled by inviting rock bunch.
- Jammeng Tourism Countryside : enjoy the sun rise really excrutiatingly.
- Gong of Nekara : found in XVII century related to the legend of La Galigo.
- Baloyya Beach : slopy white sand carpet with clear sea water.
- Somba Opu Fortress : biggest fortress founded by Gowa empire, symbol of progress civilization and the bravery Gowa soldiers which is fight with the colonist power of Dutch.
- Bella Lompoa Museum : opened in 1978 to meet Gowa collections like castanets, clothes, monarchic weapon, crown and etc.
- Mausoleum of Syech Yusuf : a famous figure who spreading Islam in South Sulawesi.
- The Tomb of Sultan Hasanuddin : a brave King figure and the leader of the resistance of Gowa soldiers to the Dutch, he awarded with an epithet as "Eastward Cock".
- Malino Natural Tourism Area : a healthy resting place for King's of Gowa.
- Procession of Maudu Lompon : the hilarity of a traditional mass ritual of Takalar people, with their decorative boat pageant and various traditional food.
- Topejawa Beach : White sand and rather blue sea waters is the especial fascination of this beach.
- Boro waterfall : a waterfall served a captivating mountain panorama, and cold climate.
- Binamu Empire Mausoleum : this site is an important object for historical and cultural study in South Sulawesi.
- Bissapu Waterfall : a place of natural bathing which is still hold its natural condition.
- Korong Batu White Sands Beach : you can do sunning activity or exercising, swimming or take a bath go out to sea.
- Loka Camp : designed as an outbound activities resort.
- Tana Beru Traditional Dockyard : this district known as the expert Phinisi (Pinisi) boats maker. Phinisi Nusantara or Amana Gappa sailing till Madagascar.
- Bira cape : very beautiful panorama supported by Puang Janggo hill and also underwater views.
- The costum area of Ammatoa Village : forest are with a preserved naturality and the sociaty culture.
Culture Uniqueness, Arts diversities and the natural tourism beauty of South Sulawesi